At the Logic Resource Center our mission is to provide every kind of logic problem for every system of logic ever devised.
Logic classes need better software.
Logic problems should be accessible and fun for learners and easy to organize and evaluate for instructors. Our goal is to provide a set of tools that bring logic instruction to life.
We offer many problem types with line-by-line feedback for the student with helpful, system-specific and customizable error messages. Don't want to give so much feedback? We will also have more difficult problems that are evaluated as a whole as well as timed test modes.
Gone down a rabbit hole? Just rewind your problem and continue from there. Decided you were right the first time? Just rewind back to that. Instructors will be able to review each step of student work on a probelm.
All problems can be done in realtime by more than one person over the network. Pair with your favorite videoconference platform and you can work together on a problem with students or friends.
In addition to several versions of our base system we offer support for the systems in several common logic textbooks. We will be adding support for many more systems.
Explore logic from many angles.
The heart of the LRC is our problem types. Derivations can be done currently in two ways, and will soon be availale in many more. The same goes for our tableaux. Problems will differ in difficulty and in the way they require the student to understand logical relationships. We will also offer truth tables, translation exercises, timed exams, in-class group exercises and instructional games.
All systems and problem types can be explored freely with a guest account right now - no signup necessary.